If you live in a desert area or an area that doesn't get a lot of rainfall, you may want a water storage tank on your property. This can give you a reserve of water you can use for watering your lawn or garden, or which can be used when your city water supply is cut off for any reason. A water tank is also good to have in areas that are prone to bushfires. Note a few commonly asked questions about a water storage tank on your property and then discuss these with a contractor or salesperson.
1. Can you use just anything as a water storage tank?
Some areas will have laws about the type of tank that stores water used for drinking or bathing. For example, you may not be able to legally reuse a container that once stored hazardous waste, or you may be legally required to get a container that is made of food-grade material. For water you would only use to water your lawn and garden, you may have more leeway as to the container you might use. A contractor or salesperson can often tell you the legal requirements for a water tank, based on your area, intended use, and the like.
2. What if the property is sloped or very hilly?
If you want an underground tank made of plastic, vinyl, or some other material, you can usually have these on your property, even if it's sloped, graded, or hilly. It may involve more work as a contractor may need to brace up the ground underneath the tank or dig a level pit that will cover it sufficiently. This is why it may be a good idea to have a professional contractor dig the pit or trench where you will store your water tank if your property is not even and graded to be level.
3. Do water tanks leak?
This is a common concern for homeowners, as they may assume that water tanks will eventually leak, overflow, or otherwise cause damage to their property. A good way to avoid this is to talk to your water tank specialist, such as Williams & Jackson, about how to maintain your water tank in particular. Concrete may need sealing every year or every few years. Other tanks may get cracks if there is too much pressure on them, such as from moisture buildup in the soil which makes it heavy and which then presses on the outside of the tank. You may need a retaining wall behind your tank to keep this from happening. If you maintain your tank properly in these ways, leaking is not typically an issue.
Welcome to my blog. My name is Joe. Growing up on a farm was the perfect life for me as a kid. I loved to run around, spend time quietly, work on equipment and watch the process of plants growing. I even enjoyed helping my mum with the books as I got older. Now, however, I'm not involved in the day-to-day routines of a farm. Instead, I live a pretty "standard" city life, but I still love to write about it and do whatever gardening I can in my small flat. When I'm not writing or pining after moving back to the country, you can find me watching classic films, reading or jogging.